Configure Travel Router to route traffic via ZeroTier

This post is the continuation of Part-1 of 2 part series. In Part-1, we have configured Raspberry Pi at home and made it a Gateway for ZeroTier virtual network. In this post, we will look at configuring a small travel router by GL-iNet to route traffic from all its connected clients via the ZeroTier Home Gateway.

What do you need?

  • GL.iNET or any OpenWrt router

Configure OpenWrt router

We are going to configure GL.iNet mini router (OpenWrt firmware 19.07.x) to route all the internet traffic from all lan/wifi clients connected to it via the Home network through the Raspberry Pi ZeroTier Gateway.

Note: As I am using the GL.iNet mini router, some of the screenshots may vary with your router.

Go to your Router Admin console, Applications -> Plug-ins. Click on ‘Update‘, this will get all the list of available plugins.

Filter ‘All’ and search for ‘zerotier’, click on ‘Install’.

Router Admin console Plug-ins screen after installing zerotier plug-in

SSH to your travel router and configure ZeroTier client

Edit the /etc/config/zerotier file, modify below 2 lines

 option enabled '1'
 list join '<yournetworkid>'

Start the zerotier

/etc/init.d/zerotier enable
/etc/init.d/zerotier start

Go to, and authorize the device. Note the IP address assigned to this device (ex:

In your route shell, run ifconfig, you can see a new interface with a name starting with ‘zt’ added and the IP from zerotier network assigned as shown on the ZT settings page.

In your router Admin console, go to ‘More Settings‘->’Advanced‘, which will open Luci settings page.

Go to ‘Network’ -> ‘Add Interface’ with below details

ProtocolStatic address
Interfaceztxxxxxxxx (Your ZT interface)

Configure the ZT0 interface with the below values, Save and finally Save & Apply on the interfaces screen.

Bring up on bootYes
IPv4 address10.147.18.50
(IP assigned to this device from ZT network)
IPv4 netmaskNetmask of your ZT IP range
Firewall Settings->
Create/Assign firewall-zone

After the router rebooted, ssh again to the router.

Run ifconfig and verify if you can see ZT network interface with the same IP.

Verify your routing table by running route -n

Run the below with your network id to allow default route via ZeroTier network.

sudo zerotier-cli set <networkId> allowDefault=1

The above should add few new routes to your route table, run route -n and verify.

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface       UG    0      0        0 ztxxxxxxxx         UG    10     0        0 eth0.2   U     0      0        0 ztxxxxxxxx       UG    0      0        0 ztxxxxxxxx   U     10     0        0 eth0.2   U     0      0        0 br-lan

Test with Mobile Phone

  • In a Mobile Phone, if you have ZeroTier One enabled in previous steps (Part-1), disable it.
  • Connect to OpenWrt router through wifi
  • Open browser and verify public ip using

With this when your OpenWrt router is connected to the internet via ethernet cable outside of your home, the internet traffic from any lan/wifi clients connected to this router will be routed via your home securely.


We have configured the OpenWrt travel router to redirect all the via the ZeroTier gateway at home (like VPN client). This enables you to access the home network by multiple devices without installing ZeroTier one client on all those devices.

Optionally, you may install pi-hole to act as a DNS server for your virtual network and to block ads, you can configure this in raspberry pi, this may be for another post.


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9 thoughts on “Configure Travel Router to route traffic via ZeroTier

  1. Robert.

    Your guide was very good and it all works perfectly apart from one part.
    When I restart the router, I have to re-enter:
    sudo zerotier-cli set allowDefault=1
    As it doesn’t survive a reboot. Could you explain how to make this persistant across reboots please?

      1. John Chan

        To execute the command “sudo zerotier-cli set allowDefault=1” in the OpenWrt shell and enable it to autostart, you can follow these steps:

        Step 1: Create a startup script in the `/etc/init.d/` directory.
        1. Connect to your OpenWrt device using SSH or another method.
        2. Run the following command to create a new script file (replace `my_zerotier` with your desired script name):

        vi /etc/init.d/my_zerotier

        3. Press `i` to enter insert mode in the vi editor.

        Step 2: Add the script content.
        4. Enter the following script content into the editor:

        #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common


        start() {
        echo “Enabling ZeroTier…”
        /usr/sbin/zerotier-cli set 12345678 allowDefault=1

        stop() {
        echo “Stopping ZeroTier…”
        # Add any stop logic if needed

        reload() {

        restart() {

        boot() {

        shutdown() {


        5. Press the `Esc` key to exit insert mode.
        6. Type `:wq` to save the file and exit the vi editor.

        Step 3: Make the script executable.
        7. Run the following command to make the script executable:

        chmod +x /etc/init.d/my_zerotier

        Step 4: Enable autostart.
        8. Run the following command to enable the script to start at boot:

        /etc/init.d/my_zerotier enable

        Step 5: Start the service.
        9. Finally, start the ZeroTier service by executing the following command:

        /etc/init.d/my_zerotier start

        That’s it! The ZeroTier service should now start automatically at boot, and you can manually start it using the `/etc/init.d/my_zerotier start` command.

  2. ra11

    great guide and indeed: same issues on persistent zerotier-cli set allowDefault=1 being retained.
    Tried John’s approach, syntax error with usr\sbin\ – this resolved once removed, but again doesnt persist post reboot.
    Put it in local.rc – doesnt work, put the line in zerotier config file, ditto.

    Seems no matter where that line goes it needs to be added manually on each reboot which is a real pity. Anyone had any success getting it to retain in config post reboot please?

  3. ra11

    ok update: I can confirm John Chan’s post works – with 1 very small modification (as I got an error on “q” part).

    I did opkg update, then opkg install nano and used nano instead of vi to edit. rest worked, rebooted and route -n showed the tables now were in persist state – hurrah!!

    next project is to use a windows 10 stick running WSL2 Debian distro as an all in one ingress to my internet instead of Ubuntu PiZero2 device.


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