How to import Kibana dashboards into AWS OpenSearch
Explains how to import Kibana dashboards into AWS OpenSearch, so that we don't need to create them manually in OpenSearch.
Home Energy Monitoring using ESP32
This post provides high level information about home energy monitoring using esp-32. You will find list of materials to read about and my project code as well.
How to use OpenSearch Trace Analytics as a backend for Spring Boot application tracing
Using OpenSearch Trace analytics (AWS OpenSearch Service) for Spring Boot application tracing using OpenTelemetry and/or Zipkin along with Spring Sleuth.
Creating Custom Metrics in Spring Boot using Micrometer API
Creating Custom metric in Spring boot application using micrometer api and expose metrics for Prometheus. Will look at Counter metric.
Configure Travel Router to route traffic via ZeroTier
In this post, we will look at configuring a small travel router by GL-iNet to route traffic from all its connected clients via the ZeroTier Home Gateway.
Routing all traffic through Home with ZeroTier on travel
On Travel, wanted to route all my traffic via my Home router for secured connection and to be able to access all country specific sites without VPN using Zerotier.
How to connect Spring boot microservice to MongoDB cluster
Learn how to deploy MongoDB Cluster (Replica set) in Kubernetes and connect your Spring Boot microservice application to DB. In this post, would like to briefly explain how to deploy MongoDB as a Cluster (replica …
Enable OIDC Groups based access to Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
In this post, we are going to see how to modify the configuration of Okta, Dex, and Gangway to allow us to use groups in TKG Workload Cluster for RBAC.
Configure Tanzu Kubernetes Grid to use OIDC with Okta
VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) provides user authentication by using Dex and Gangway. TKG running on Amazon EC2 supports only OIDC, so we are going to use Okta as the Identity provider and enable User …
Creating a Helm Chart using helm@3
In this post, I would like to go through steps to create a helm chart to package an application to deploy in Kubernetes using helm3
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